Business Protection
This protects a company financially should any of its owners or employees are affected by illness or death. It can help with the long-term financial health of the business during a difficult time.
Shareholder Protection – This pays a lump sum to the business if a shareholder were to die. The capital allows the remaining shareholders to purchase the life assureds share of the business from the estate.
Key Person Cover – This is a life insurance policy written on the life of the key person but owned by the company. A key person is an individual whose, skill, knowledge, experience or leadership contributes to the financial success of the business.
Relevant Life Plan – This is a cost-effective way for an employer to arrange life cover on the life of an employee, with the benefit being payable to an employee’s family. A sort of death in service benefit.
With regards to business protection, we are not currently authorised to provide advice, but we can refer you to an authorised specialist, who can assist you in this area.